3D Sound Tester 1.0
The 3D Sound Tester is wav file player that lets you pan sound around you with your mouse. Move the sound location node, and you'll feel…
CryptQuick 1.0
CryptQuick is a file security tool. It can encrypt and decrypt you files and folders quickly and easily,even your file or folder is very…
Example:  KaZaA
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DVD Labeler 3.00.0011
Automatically capture DVD chapter images and create scene indexing labels for your DVD movie. You will know the exact content of your DVD…
12Ghosts DeskTOP 7.10
Did you ever have the problem of an active program blocking the way to the desktop? Or one that you were unable to minimize? 12-DeskTOP…
Dirlot 0.9
The utility shows relative size of all elements (both files and directories) in a directory on disk using columnar diagram. It allows you…

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